Worship Ministry Teams

  Worship Ministry Teams  
Worship Volunteer Opportunities
Below is a listing of the numerous opportunities members have to be involved in Berea's worship services. 
Lead: Pastor Kevin Tiaden

Acolytes are young people of the congregation who light the candles for Sunday worship services and other special services as deemed appropriate. All those in grades 6, 7 and 8 are expected to serve as Acolytes. Training is provided at the appropriate time.
Altar Guild
Lead: Alexis Gartland

The Alter Guild supports our worship by preparing for communion, changing and maintaining paraments, and stocking supplies.  They meet four to six times per year.
Audio/Visual Team
Lead: Kevin Zook

Several volunteers help to support the A/V elements of our services.  These include projectionists who run the slide shows and record the services, and reviewers who proof-read the slide shows.
Berea Extended Altar Ministry (BEAM) /
Friendly Visitors

Lead: Lynn Schuster

BEAM volunteers and Friendly Visitors assist the pastor in bringing personal contact from the congregation to our shut-in members - essentially doubling our visitation ministry.  BEAM "extends" our communion services by bringing the consecrated elements from the altar, along with readings, prayer, and conversation, to shut-ins.
Communion Distribution Assistant
Lead: Pastor Tiaden

These volunteers assist the pastor in distributing the elements of communion to worshippers.
Lead: Diane O'Donnell

Greeters meet people entering the church for worship and assist visitors.
Money Counters
Lead: Warren Sonday

Offerings are counted and recorded for deposit by these volunteers.
Lead: Gayle Hafner

Readers (or "lectors") read the Bible lessons for the day during worship services.
Lead: Kevin O'Donnell

Ushers distribute bulletins, control the lights, take the collection, direct traffic during communion, and generally assist worshippers as needed.
Worship Assistants
Lead: Pastor Tiaden

For each worship service, a Worship Assistant serves as the Pastor's on-the-spot assistant.  The Worship Assistant meets with the pastor before the service, coordinates other volunteers, assists with communion, and handles various post-service activities.