Church Government
The Voters’ Assembly, which meets three times a year, is ultimately responsible for Berea's ministry direction. It approves the budget, calls church workers, and decides major issues. It also elects the constitutional officers of the congregation - President, President-Elect, three Stewards, three Elders, and three Deacons - and the Endowment Advisory Managers.
The Church Council consists of the constitutional officers and the Pastor. Constitutional officers serve two-year terms, except that the President-Elect succeeds the President after one year. Terms follow the calendar year. Persons may serve up to two consecutive terms in an office. The Church Council meets regularly to oversee the mission of the congregation as defined by the Voters’ Assembly. It appoints the Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Property Managers, Personnel Committee, and other individuals and committees as necessary.
The Elders, Deacons, and Stewards each function as boards with responsibility for particular areas:
- Elders - worship, teaching, membership, and called workers
- Stewards - financial matters and personnel
- Deacons - other programs and activities of the congregation
The congregation's ministry is carried out by the officers, the staff (under the leadership of the Pastor), and also by numerous volunteers, serving individually or on "ministry teams." Each team is supported by a designated board, officer, or staff person.
More information about our church government, as well as the roles and responsibilities of elected and appointed positions, can be found in the Constitution and By-Laws or by calling the church office.