Who we are

  Who we are  
The disciples of Jesus at Berea Lutheran Church welcome you!  

The name of our congregation comes from a city in Greece, Berea, that was visited by the Christian missionary Saint Paul.  When Paul attempted to form a Christian church in Berea, the people were interested, but said they would check Paul’s words with their study of the Old Testament.  After in-depth study, they approved of Paul’s message.  The name Berea has been used in Christian circles to hold up the tradition of informed Bible study as the basis for teaching, worship and life. When our congregation was formed, the name Berea was chosen to highlight a respect for God’s Word and study of the Bible.

This attention to the Bible is a joyful and life-giving commitment, because our ongoing study of the Bible shows us the gracious generosity of the Creator through Jesus Christ and provides a lens through which we view our world today with excitement and hope.  The Bible is not ancient history, endless rules, and dust.  It is a fresh fountain from which life flows through knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Berea Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) and a congregation of the Synod's Minnesota South District.