Biblical Education and Devotions

  Biblical Education and Devotions  
Last updated on November 27, 2020
Sunday Adult Bible Study

In-person, Facebook Live (and recorded) at 10:15
Bible Reading Challenge
We are taking the opportunity of this "lock-down year" to read through the whole Bible together.  The Sunday study, which meets in the sanctuary, is led by Pastor Kevin Tiaden or Paul Hickey. See the schedule on the Home page. You can jump in any time. Bring your own Bible or use one of ours. And bring a friend!

Thursday Morning Adult Bible Study
Facebook Live (and recorded) at 10:45
Led by Pastor Kevin Tiaden. Everyone welcome, whenever you can come!
Children's Sunday School

In-person, 10:15 am
Just two multi-grade classes at this time due to COVID-19; online options TBD.
Sunday School runs between Labor Day and Memorial Day for children three years of age through high school. They meet in the lower level Fellowship Hall.  Register your children by contacting the church office or by speaking with a teacher on Sunday morning. Children in Sunday School take part in a Christmas program in mid-December and occasionally sing for worship services.  They also donate to Compassion International to help support a child.  Each child is paired with a "Blessing Buddy" from the congregation.
Personal/Family Study and Devotional Resources

We recommend the following free devotional and study resources...
Paul's Missionary Journeys Podcast
"A Daily Walk Through Paul's Missionary Journeys" - Short daily videos by Dr. Ken Schurb; watch online or subscribe to the podcast.
Lutheran Hour Ministries Video Studies
47 (at last count) in-depth video-based studies!  Watch on-line or download with study guides and resources.
God Connects
Short videos providing an overview of the Christian faith; study guides give you lots to think about and more resources.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to all sorts of questions, from a Biblical, Lutheran perspective.
CPH FaithCourses
These downloadable videos and study guides for personal, family, or group study, are free during the pandemic!
1517. Christ for You
Devotions, podcasts, courses, newsletters, and books - all with Christ at the center.
LHM Daily Devotions
Daily written and audio devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries.  Sign up for the daily email!

Pastor's Garage Men's Bible Study

Temporarily suspended
Third Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Joseph - Carpenter of Steel
Led by Pastor Kevin Tiaden.  A monthly gathering of young(ish) men for fellowship, food, Bible study discussion, and prayer.  Meets at... well, you can guess.  

Nothing here right for you?  If you need a different time, or want a different setting or topic or style, please don't hesitate to speak with one of the elders.  If there's enough interest and an available leader (Maybe you?), we'll start a new study.  Suggestions for current studies are welcome, also.